Major catastrophes, storms and weather events happen throughout the United States on a regular basis. ProNet Group’s team of experienced on-staff forensic engineers readily respond and serve our client’s needs for thorough investigations with detailed and precise expert reports.
Since 1990, ProNet has answered the call for hurricanes past and present, providing expert analysis ranging from extent of damage to classifying damage attributable to wind and water surge.
Hail storms, tornadoes, and floods wreak havoc throughout the country and cause extensive damage to commercial, residential, and industrial structures, as well as mechanical and electrical equipment. Wildfires have been devastating western states, and earthquakes have caused major destruction from Alaska to California to Oklahoma.
In catastrophe situations, ProNet responds to conduct structural damage assessments and equipment evaluations, provide repair or replacement recommendations, and offer building code analysis.
ProNet Group provides catastrophe engineering services in the following categories:
Wind & Hail
Flood Damage
Property Condition
Structural Integrity
Building Code Compliance
Building Mechanical and Electrical System Damage